The Success of La novia de Cervantes, The First Anthology of Azorín in Chinese. A Textual Comparison between Spanish, French and Chinese


  • Huiting Chen Universidad de Granada



This paper studies the most edited anthology of Azorín in Chinese, La novia de Cervantes, on the basis of “Perfect Translation” Theory. After the introduction and theoretical framework, the paper is organized into two different parts: firstly, a brief presentation of the diffusion of Azorín in China, the historical background of, La novia de Cervantes, and its reception; secondly, a contrastive analysis of the translation, which is divided into three categories: the equivalences of form, meaning and intention. The results show that the translators have managed to preserve stylistic features and aesthetic peculiarities of Azorín, recreating in this way the literariness in the target text, which is considered a fundamental reason for the success of, La novia de Cervantes.


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How to Cite

Chen, H. (2022). The Success of La novia de Cervantes, The First Anthology of Azorín in Chinese. A Textual Comparison between Spanish, French and Chinese. Sendebar, 33, 165–183.



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