The Chinese Literature Translator in Spain: An Interview-based Qualitative Study
literary translation, Chinese-Spanish translation, profession, publishing houses, interview, professional profileAbstract
The profile and characteristics of Chinese-Spanish literary translators are still not well known. The objective of this study is to make them known through the analysis of 14 interviews. The results reveal that many do not have specific training; that the majority have stayed for some time in synophone-speaking countries; that the relationship with the publishers is smooth and some have even made proposals to them, despite not being able to make a living out of it; that the current training programs present some dysfunctions in relation to what the labor market demands from professionals and that the challenges they must face when translating are of various kinds, although the historical-cultural references stand out among the most recurrent. Finally, we point out some ideas that emerge from the results in order to improve translator training, as well as future lines of research related to the professional profile of translators.
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