Japanese into Spanish Translator Training: A Study on the Current State of Affairs





Japanese into Spanish translation, translator training, degree in translation and interpreting, Japanese into Spanish translation labor market, empirical-descriptive study, survey


This article presents the results obtained in an empirical-descriptive study, in which we gathered the opinion about the current state of affairs in Spain of translator training from Japanese into Spanish and translation labor market from Japanese into Spanish. The three groups of participants collaborating in the study were (1) Japanese language and Japanese translation teachers, (2) translators from Japanese and (3) graduates in the bachelor’s degree in translation and interpreting with Japanese as their second foreign language. The results of the study showed that participants were not excessively optimistic about current translator training in Spain, since they believed that, although satisfactory, it is not enough. They also pointed out the problems existing in translator training and the translation market , and they suggested out how they could be improved through Japanese translator training. The information gathered made it possible to make proposals aiming to improve Japanese translator training.


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How to Cite

Asquerino Egoscozábal, L. (2021). Japanese into Spanish Translator Training: A Study on the Current State of Affairs. Sendebar, 32, 196–218. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v32.15903



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