Political Translation in China: Study of the Castilian Version of The Governance of China by Xi Jinping
Political translation, Modern China, Xi Jinping, The Governance of ChinaAbstract
This article focuses on the features of translation in the political field. The history of translation of political texts in modern China is divided into three stages. Some macrological and micrological aspects of the Spanish version of the book The Governance of China by Xi Jinping are analysed. As for the macro analysis of this political text, we focus on the characteristics of institutional translation in China. In the micro analysis, we pay particular attention to different levels, from textuality, rhetoric and sentence structures to certain elements of the lexicon. With an indisciplinary methodology drawing both on Translation Studies and Political Theory, we will reach conclusions on the forms of political action, the characteristics of the three stages identified and the strategies used in the translation of the book.
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