Interpreting Verbal Humor. A Functionalist Approach




verbal humor, interpretation, functionalism, methods and techniques


From the perspective of functionalism, this article explores the specific methods and techniques of interpretation of verbal humor (from Spanish to Chinese, or vice versa) in order to achieve the goal of fluent communication. Therefore, we analyze the main standards of functionalist translation. According to these principles and specific examples of interpretation, we propose three methods of interpretation and their respective techniques: (a) Literal interpretation: the correspondence between the original text and the target text is achieved in form, content and function. (b) Free interpretation: the content and function are properly modified and retained. The specific techniques are amplification, compensation, enhancement and elision. (c) Interpretation and communication: the functions are maintained. The respective technique is partial replacement.


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Author Biography

Mengmeng Wang, Universidad de Estudios Extranjeros de BeijingFacultad de Estudios Hispánicos y Portugueses

Facultad de Estudios Hispánicos y Portugueses


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How to Cite

Wang, M. (2021). Interpreting Verbal Humor. A Functionalist Approach. Sendebar, 32, 266–285.



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