Help or obstacle? Meaning and credibility of the guidance role


  • Paulino Murillo Estepa Universidad de Sevilla

Mots-clés :

Function advices, Institutional analysis, Reflexive processes, Training and change


The educational centres, before the continuous challenges they have to face, are immersed in complex processes of reorientation of their purposes and means, since they have to give some type of response to the situation that they have to live. In addition, the majority of the times they do not possess the supports and necessary resources at the moment of giving such responses or maybe they do, but in such an uncoordinated way and so scantily promoted, that instead of meaning an aid they can mean an added difficulty. In this article we analyze the institutional dimension of the advisory function with the intention of offering tracks that could contribute to its development in the centres, so that it becomes real aid for them, so that its value and true sense are perceived, recovering the lost credibility at previous times.


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Comment citer

Murillo Estepa, P. (2008). Help or obstacle? Meaning and credibility of the guidance role. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 12(1), 10. Consulté à l’adresse