Management of the knowledge, consulting and school improvement. “The case of the empty stairs”
Management of the Knowledge, consulting, school improvement, secondary schoolsResumo
The educative organizations are specific spaces of generation, management and transmission of the knowledge that confront new demands of the complex knowledge society, among them the strong demands of inclusion and quality (Tedesco, 2000). The challenge for the immediate future is to obtain good schools for all (Darling Hammond, 2001). Against this background, the schools in general and specially the secondary schools, requires to review deeply their notes of identity, their models of management and their practices of classroom in order to take care of the change. The management of the knowledge as perspective theoretical-practice is a line interesting and valuable to redefine the School Consulting like function associated to the identity conversion of the school, that we understand deals with a cognitive conversion.
In this article, a study of case, extracted of one doctoral thesis, in which a model of work of tie consulting to improvement processes is applied. Some are considered implications of that model as they are: analysis and evaluation of processes of consulting, planning of consulting structures and formation of consulters.
Work of consulting appears as a few routines and orthodoxies task, of conflicting nature, that from the edge unfolds a both friendly and critical glance, incomplete, although simultaneously valuable for the knowledge generation and internal capacities of the schools and that assumes, unfailingly, an ethical position political forehead to “the dramatic” transformation of the grammar of the schooling and the change.