Curricular reforms guide Schools: But to where?


  • Xavier Roegiers Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina

Mots-clés :

curriculum, competences, post situations, complex situations, problem-based learning, integrative pedagogy


The article deals with a particular aspect of the competencies-based approach in the curricula of basic and secondary education: the role of complex situations in learning. What should their role be so that education systems gain both in effectiveness and equity? Many research outcomes have shown that it is important to stress first and foremost complex ‘‘post’’ situations in learning knowledge, know-how and life-skills. It is a matter of complex situations (integrative pedagogy) in which the pupil is invited to use the knowledge, know-how and life-skills already acquired, not as ends in themselves, but as resources that the pupils employ to confront the complexity of their environment. It shows to what extent using the problem-solving approach to inculcate knowledge and know-how, in other words using complex situations for ‘‘prior’’ learning, represents a less suitable innovation.


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Comment citer

Roegiers, X. (2008). Curricular reforms guide Schools: But to where?. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 12(3), 36. Consulté à l’adresse