The street children of the city of Ceuta: Educational-psychology approach
Palabras clave:
Children at risk, street children, Ceuta, educational-psychological approachResumen
UNICEF estimates that in the developing world alone, there are 100 million children that work and live on the streets (40 million localized in South America). Nowadays, globalization’s politics and the drastic reductions in social welfare spending, have increased the scale of the problem until global proportions. We must consider the specific characteristics that each group have, but also the many common characteristics that street children share all over the world (risk behaviours) and that requires us to “think globally” to find solutions to the problem. Finally, the children and youth that live in the streets make a group known by their lack of trust and difficult reaching. For this reason, only gaining their trust we can have guarantee that this children will give information about themselves and their behaviours in a collaborative and honest way.Descargas
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Cómo citar
Cepero Espinosa, S. (2006). The street children of the city of Ceuta: Educational-psychology approach. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 10(1), 12. Recuperado a partir de