Dissemination of women university professors in the field of education in Spain on social media
Science, education, gender, teachers, social networks, universityAbstract
The dissemination of science produced by women academics is conditioned by the same barriers that influence their access and career paths. Social networks can be considered an opportunity to remove these barriers, as well as for the construction of reference models that can guide the new generations of women scientists. The aim of this research is to find out the profile and uses of social networks (SSN) for scientific and educational purposes by female researchers in Spain. A survey (e=+/-3.1 and 1-α=95%) was applied to a sample of 209 female researchers and 186 male researchers who had published in academic journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) during the years 2016 to 2020. The results show that women who attach importance to the use of SSNs to articulate their scientific career and SSNs to disseminate their research results can rely on them as a means to challenge some gender stereotypes that hinder their career and professional advancement. In terms of the type of networks used, the respondents prefer to use specialised networks (academic: ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Google Scholar) to disseminate their research results. In order for science in education produced by women to be visible and to reach the new generations starting out in scientific careers, it is necessary to work on several aspects. Greater commitment from institutions is needed to eradicate the gender gap and dissemination strategies in social media and through informal channels.
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