Curricular innovation as a strategy for improvement in educational careers


  • Kennya Verónica Guzmán Huayamave Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil
  • Margarita León Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil
  • Mónica Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil
  • Ifrain Universidad Nacional de Educación



system of education; educational innovation; continuous assessment; quality of education


This article was derived from a research project and its objective is to systematize the results of the diagnosis in the curricular improvement as part of the evaluation of the teaching-learning content of the redesigns in the Psychopedagogy and Initial Education careers of the Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte of Guayaquil. The problem was related to the need to refine the designs of the careers, which starts from the revision of the curricular design approved in 2016 by the Council of Higher Education where critical-reflective scenarios were raised that justified the need for curricular innovation. Work tables were organized that promoted a hermeneutical exercise, to obtain support information in the curricular update and production of knowledge about the elaborated design. The approach considered was mixed, with a non-experimental descriptive design. A survey was applied to teachers and students on situations observed in the curricular design and an interview to the graduates who were part of the analyzed fabric and includes the exploration of resources to diagnose the practice and lay the foundations of the new curricular design. From this, different perspectives of future curricular planning were determined, to respond to the sustainability of the quality of Higher Education in educational careers. The changes analyzed and proposed for the academic organization of the curriculum based on the diagnosis made, will favor the contextualization of knowledge and the articulation of substantive processes in order to optimize the profile of the future professional through innovation.


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Author Biographies

Kennya Verónica Guzmán Huayamave, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil

Magíster en Educación, mención en Investigación Educativa. Doctorando en Educación en la Universidad César Vallejo en Piura (Perú). Docente por 31 años, 16 de ellos con dedicación en formación de docentes en Educación Superior. Su línea de trabajo se centra en el área de la Psicología y la Ética Profesional. Ha trabajado en varios proyectos y asistido a congresos internacionales en calidad de ponente y conferencista. Además, los saberes de su práctica docente se recogen en una permanente motivación en publicaciones de libros y varios artículos que promueven un diálogo reflexivo para la transformación humana y científica. Actualmente, se desempeña como Decana de la Facultad de Educación en la Universidad Laica VICENTE ROCAFUERTE de Guayaquil.

Margarita León, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil

Doctor in Educational Sciences, Master in Education, mention Study-Work and Graduate of Education specializing in Biological Sciences. Teacher for 49 years, 36 of them in Higher Education. She works in teaching in the area of Pedagogy and Didactics, as well as in Research Methodology. She has been a researcher teacher for several years in projects such as Scientific Training and the teaching-learning process and Curricular evaluation of contents and methodologies in curricular redesigns of Education careers. She has numerous publications of articles and also books in areas related to her performance, including "Education, teaching, instruction. She has been Assistant Dean and Dean of the faculty, career director and currently Coordinator of the Initial Education career of the ULVR Faculty of Education.

Mónica, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil

Master in Higher Education and Graduate of Educational Psychology. Teacher for 25, 15 of them in Higher Education. She works as a teacher in the area of Educational Psychopedagogy and Psychology, Psychopedagogical Intervention and Evaluation and Professional Practices. She is research professor in the Curricular Evaluation of Education Career Redesign project. She has been a speaker at various scientific events, and is noted for her involvement in student scientific work. At an intermediate level, she has been a Primary Level Teacher, Psychologist in Guidance Departments: Psychologist in psychopedagogical support classrooms, Director of Nursery, Psychological Consultant. At a higher level, in addition to being a teacher, she has been the director and coordinator of the Psychopedagogy career at the ULVR Faculty of Education.

Ifrain, Universidad Nacional de Educación

Master in Educational Sciences. Doctoral student in Education at the César Vallejo University in Piura (Peru). Teaching and administrative experience at different levels of education for 14 years, among which are the Academic Coordinator at the Unidad Educativa Particular Visión and teacher at Unidad Educativa Paúl Rivet. Academic Coordinator at the Instituto Tecnológico de Hotelería y Turismo Internacional, teacher and advisor at the Instituto de la Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana. Professor at the Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte of Guayaquil, Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas and Universidad Tecnológica Israel.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Huayamave, K. V., León , M. ., Villao Reyes, M. F., & González Beade, I. (2023). Curricular innovation as a strategy for improvement in educational careers. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 27(3), 45–61.


