¿Qué caracteriza a un "buen docente"? Percepciones de sus protagonistas
When from educational research we ask ourselves about new teachers, their training needs, or the challenges they must face in accessing the teaching profession, one of the areas that represents a greater source of information is that of the frameworks of supranational and national competences, which offer us a vision about what is expected of the teaching profession in our context. Based on this set of competencies, what all teachers - within the difference of styles - must tend towards is defined. In this article, in order not to limit ourselves to the theoretical study of the competences in which a teacher must start in their first years of training, we wanted to know the perceptions of their protagonists: the teachers. To this end, we have collected 1,076 responses from compulsory teachers to the question "What characterizes a good teacher?" The results show that practicing teachers especially value personal skills as those most significant to be a "good teacher", above others such as digital, didactic-pedagogical, emotional, social, linguistic or mathematical. An issue that will be worth taking into account when designing support, induction and professional insertion plans for novice teachers.