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  • MªÁngeles Hernández Prados Universidad de Murcia
  • José Santiago Álvarez Muñoz Universidad de Murcia
  • Juan Antonio Gil Nogüera Universidad de Murcia



conciliación, papel de los padres, relación padres-escuela, tareas escolares


Homework is one of the most relevant issues in the family-school relationship due to its impact on family reconciliation and the academic level of the child. Previous studies have determined that its greater or lesser educational functionality will depend on the amount of time dedicated to it, although others argue that it is an obstacle for the family and is not very productive in the academic sphere. The controversy requires current studies. Thus, with the aim of determining how the time spent on homework affects the modalities, difficulty, quantity, obstacles, benefits and skills developed, a descriptive study was carried out with the participation of 1787 Spanish families with children in Pre-school, Primary or Secondary Education. The results show that parents who perceive that their children dedicate more time to schoolwork identify a greater amount and difficulty in it, develop more technological homework, find more benefits in the performance of these school obligations and perceive a greater development of competences in its exercise, however, they also find it more difficult to reconcile work and parental support in schoolwork. In this sense, the need to provide families and pupils with organisational tools for better management of homework time and, in addition, to assign homework that is practical, motivating and creative, so that families can feel useful in their work of support and advice, is emphasised.


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How to Cite

Hernández Prados, M., Álvarez Muñoz, J. S., & Gil Nogüera, J. A. (2024). IS HOMEWORK A TIME ISSUE? FAMILY PERCEPTION. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 28(1), 149–170.


