E-portfolios in monitoring the Practicum: Pedagogical models and technological support
Palabras clave:
LMS, University, University studentResumen
The methodology of the portfolio and the use of technology in universities has boomed in recent years in parallel with increased internet use, and the massive presence of the platforms (LMS) asthe technological solution for most institutions. The background are located proposals of changes in methodology and the new conception of learning in the new European Higher Education Area, which demand greater commitment to the students about their learning and
more individual attention from teachers. In order to answer these new demands are deposited all the looks on the eportfolios methodology as a pedagogical ideal solution, which together with the obvious advantages of new technologies and vi rtual environments, we do have to eportfolio (electronic portfolios) of a response to university education. Nevertheless, experience has demonstrated that this is not true altogether; on the one hand, the platforms are solutions of the past century and designed primarily for distance education, today
being away from the most personal technological environments for students where online tools are evolving at a faster rate than LMS, and wherein the value of being present -p.e. Methodologies mixed or eblended methodologies-, and a result you start thinking that perhaps
the solution of the LMS is boundless. On The other hand, eportfolios methodologies need requirements- p.e. an appropriate ratio, teachers and students trained,… - to date there are no willing for all cases.
This article shows the evolution since 1997 and the experience achieved by a group of teachers from the University of Malaga in the use portfolio for monitoring of the Practicum in the Degree in Early Childhood Education, which initially offered the ideal conditions for learning distance ratio to experience the methodological possibiliti es of eportfolios, for later, after reaching a competition in this methodology and have their own software [1], experiment and analyze this solution in other groups and subjects of the Faculty of Science Education. For the dimensions of the article we will only analyze our experience and evolution in the pattern of use of eportfolios in Practicum, first exploring the changes that have occurred generally from the use of paper portfolios to ePortfolios; for second, to present the pedagogical model achieved and finished in third place, describing the technological model and the reasons why we have selected the federation technologies
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Cómo citar
Cebrián de la Serna, M. (2011). E-portfolios in monitoring the Practicum: Pedagogical models and technological support. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 15(1), 92–107. Recuperado a partir de https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/profesorado/article/view/20154