Participatory Evaluation, Service-Learning and University
Palabras clave:
Higher education, Service Learning, Competences, Evaluation ResearchResumen
Higher education today focused on competence-based learning is a change in the educational model. The competency model basically points to a transformation of universities not only refers to the degree structure but also to students who should become protagonists of their training and must "learn to be competent". From thi s perspective, service learning is a pedagogical approach that encourages learning skills through active participation in community service related experiences. Thus, the methodology allows students to engage directly with those offered by a service adapted to their needs and reality is often very different from living in the classroom, while they are formed in specific competences both generic and transversal.
The research consisted of a participatory evaluation to assess the impact of a Service-Learning project in the generic and specific skills in 30 students of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Buenos Aires who participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of a Service -Learning ProjectThe techniques of data analysis were the statistical analysis and content analysis. It was performed triangulation techniques and informants.
The analysis identifies key information needs related to to the first phase of the research . It also offers a assessment of the generic or transversal competences identified in this first phase of the investigation; the initial participatory evaluation.