Exploring Pre-service and In-service teachers’ perceptions about Early Foreign Language Learning and Dyslexia


  • Milena Kosak Babuder
  • Saša Jazbec




This contribution addresses Slovenian in-service and pre-service foreign language and general education teachers’ awareness of dyslexia in the foreign language classroom. The authors examine and analyse the levels of familiarity with dyslexia among foreign language teachers and primary school teachers (in-service teachers) and foreign language students (pre-service teachers), their perceptiveness regarding the particularly de-manding areas of language learning, and their willingness to engage in additional training to obtain the appropriate skills for teaching children with learning disabilities, particularly dys-lexia. The results reveal noticeable differences in answers to individual research questions provided by the participants based on their profiles. The majority of participants stated that they were familiar with dyslexia from a theoretical point of view but also indicated that they were aware of the need to further improve their individual specialist-didactic knowledge and skills in order to give successful support to dyslexic pupils engaged in foreign language learning. The authors also predict the necessary extent of additional training measures in which foreign language teachers, primary school teachers, and foreign language students should engage.


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How to Cite

Kosak Babuder, M., & Jazbec, S. (2021). Exploring Pre-service and In-service teachers’ perceptions about Early Foreign Language Learning and Dyslexia. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (32), 87–102. https://doi.org/10.30827/portalin.vi32.13701


