No. 34 (2024): Especial Filosofía y exilio. Reflexiones en torno a narraciones de pensadoras exiliadas a uno y otro lado del Atlántico

					View No. 34 (2024): Especial Filosofía y exilio. Reflexiones en torno a narraciones de pensadoras exiliadas a uno y otro lado del Atlántico

The dossier "Exile and women: reflective approaches to their experiences and writings" includes nine articles that deal with the production and reflection of women who lived through exile and who expressed their experiences in different discursive formats. In the texts, the masculinisation of the field of exile is put under tension by exposing the contributions that women have made to it from different disciplines and orientations, thereby questioning their place as mere companions during the punitive expulsion. This, together with an exercise in memory and recognition, based on the collection of "loose memories" (Stern, 1998), contributes to the discussions on women in exile and their writing processes (Avila, 2022b).

Published: 2024-07-23