Fractura, by Andrés Neuman: The Reconstruction of Memory From the Scars and Voices of Four Women.




women, memory, body, exiles, spaces


Andrés Neuman brings to life with his novel Fractura a story of loss, love, reconstruction, and scars of the memory of a man facing oblivion. Four women reconstruct the protagonist's memories through a journalist's interviews. The testimonies constitute the link that connects the parts of a puzzle of broken pieces, which allude to the memory narrated from the perspectives of the women in his life. Neuman establishes a concatenation of testimonies provided by the female voices, which are integrated to immerse the reader in the biography of the protagonist. To this end, the female voices draw the most representative scenarios of a survivor of the Fukushima atomic bomb. The story takes place between the dichotomies posed by the author around the episodes of love and pain, life and death, youth and old age, light and darkness, past and present, memory, and oblivion.


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How to Cite

Aparicio, Y. (2023). Fractura, by Andrés Neuman: The Reconstruction of Memory From the Scars and Voices of Four Women. Revista Letral, (30), 20–34.



Special Issue