Francoist Censorship in Translated Children's and Youth Literature: The Case of Le avventure di Pinocchio (C. Collodi, 1883)




Translation, Francoism, Censorship, Rewriting, Pinocchio, Children's and Youth Literature


The first translation of Le avventure di Pinocchio (Collodi, 1883) appears in Spain in 1912, edited by Calleja. In 1941, the publisher reissued the text with illustrations by “Pitti” Bartolozzi. The same year, the translation by María Teresa Dini (Juventud) appeared and, in 1972, Esther Benítez made a new version of the text (Alianza). If in the first case it is a rewriting “domesticated” to the new context of reception, in the translations carried out by Dini and Benítez, the hypertext is more faithful to the hypotext, and the process of reworking interests above all the lexicon, creating a text “useful” to the education of young Spaniards during the Franco regime. Through a critical reading of the mentioned translations, I propose to analyze how Spanish publishers adapted to the ideology of the vencedores and, at the same time, managed to express their dissidence retaining evidently heterodox elements, despite censorship.


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How to Cite

Calceglia, I. (2024). Francoist Censorship in Translated Children’s and Youth Literature: The Case of Le avventure di Pinocchio (C. Collodi, 1883). Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (27), 195–206.