Presence and permanence of non-classroom teaching from COVID


  • Antonio Rodríguez Fuentes*/show/5a2e1844bd7995ba867976bfbb19f389



Non-presential teaching, online and off-line teaching, Synchronous and asynchronous teaching


The current moment will be a watershed in all dimensions of human history. It is due to the pandemic resulting from the spread of the SARS-COVID19 coronavirus worldwide. All sectors of society have been affected in one way or another, directly or indirectly. Education has been no exception. Measures adopted by most political systems, based on different restrictions on interactions between people, have brought about drastic and sudden changes in traditional education. Non-face-to-face teaching has been the most radical measure, which is still observed in many landscapes. It has demanded forced changes in roles of educational agents, working methods, resources of access to education, timing and development of activities, as well as modalities of evaluation. In the hope that humanity and science will succeed in overcoming this situation, we are invited to reflect on the new paths taken during this time, in order to learn from them and perpetuate the appropriate ones. For example, combining non-classroom teaching in the formal didactic framework of the education system for groups, contexts and moments in which it is more appropriate. This is the aim of this new monograph, which is being presented in the year in which we hope the pandemic will end, even if the virus coexists for some time to come.


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2021-12-01 — Updated on 2023-04-16


How to Cite

Rodríguez Fuentes, A. (2023). Presence and permanence of non-classroom teaching from COVID. The Educational Journal of Works Aimed at the XXI Century (XXI CHALLENGES), 5(1). (Original work published December 1, 2021)