




女性暴力, 伴侣暴力, 信念, 性别偏见, 测量


伴侣关系中的针对女性暴力(Intimate Partner Violence Against Women, IPVAW)正在越来越年轻的年龄阶段出现,而年轻人往往将最初的暴力信号视为“正常”。这种暴力的正常化使施害者得以维持其关系和社会声誉,同时削弱了对受害者的社会支持,增加了其脆弱性。理论研究表明,有必要更新现有的测量工具,以更好地捕捉暴力正常化的现象。

本研究的目标是开发一项新的量表(MIPVAW),用于评估对伴侣暴力迷思的接受程度。研究选取了1,500名西班牙大一大学生(平均年龄:M = 18.9;SD = 1.38)作为样本,参与者完成了新开发的MIPVAW量表和西班牙版的《两性歧视两难量表》(Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, ASI)。通过探索性因子分析(EFA)和验证性因子分析(CFA),支持了该量表的四因子结构,这些因子分别是:暴力的最小化、受害者责任归咎、施害者免责和暴力正常化。






Doctor in Education, he has been a full professor in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education since 2004 and a member of the research group Development and Innovation of Educational Models (HUM-833), of the Inter-University Association for Educational Research (AIDIPE) and of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). As a senior researcher at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Seville, his main line of research focuses on diagnosis in education from a gender perspective, specifically linked to the prevention of violence based on sexism and homophobia.


Doctor in Education, he has been a contracted doctoral lecturer in the Department of Educational Research Methods at the University of Seville since 2007. He has been interested in the evaluation of educational policies and the role of women in public management by applying quantitative methodology and multivariate statistical analysis.


Doctor in Education and full professor at the University of Seville in the Department of Educational Research Methods and Diagnostic. She oversees the Gender and Education thematic network of the Inter-University Association for Educational Research (AIDIPE) and of the Women and Gender Studies in Education line of the Andalusian Inter-University Institute for Educational Research (IEdu). As a senior researcher at the Faculty of Education of the University of Seville (Spain), her main interests lie in women's studies, co-education and the prevention of gender-based violence.


Doctor in Psychology, she is a full professor in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Seville and a member of the Human Activity Laboratory research group. Her most recent research has focused on the cultural (re)construction of identity in situations of vulnerability, including women who have been able to reconstruct their identity after gender violence.


Doctor in Psychology, he is a contracted doctoral lecturer in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Seville (Spain) and a member of the Human Activity Laboratory research group. He has studied the psychological processes involved in adolescent conflicts from a gender perspective.


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