Instrument for analysing digital entrepreneurship competence in higher education




Digital entrepreneurship, competence, Higher Education, questionnaire


Entrepreneurship and digital skills are key competences that students must acquire throughout their formal education. The EmDigital model was developed to assess digital entrepreneurship competence by combining both. This model describes the competence of digital entrepreneurship in terms of four areas and 15 subcompetences. The aim of the study is to validate a quantitative instrument to measure digital entrepreneurship competence in university students. The following techniques were used: focus group, expert judgement, cognitive interviews and Exploratory Factor Analysis. A pilot sample of 190 final year undergraduate students (60% were female with an average age of 24.97) was used. The reliability of the instrument was very good. The AFE results show an instrument composed of 4 factors that explain 43% of the variance. Based on the results, the instrument has been revised and a definitive questionnaire has been created. This final version of the questionnaire is introduced in this article. The data only reflect gender differences in one of the dimensions of the instrument, namely the identification of opportunities, where men score higher.


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Author Biographies

Víctor González Calatayud, University of Murcia

Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Murcia. Member of the Educational Technology Research Group (GITE) at the same University. Degree in Pedagogy and PhD in Educational Technology. Member of the Edutec Association for the development of Educational Technology. I have carried out research stays at the University of Helsinki and Dublin City University (DCU). The lines of research in which I work are: educational technology, digital competence, personal learning environments, learning ecologies, digital entrepreneurship competence, online teaching and the risks associated with the use of technology.

María Paz Prendes-Espinosa, University of Murcia

PhD in Educational Sciences and Professor of Educational Technology at the University of Murcia. Director of the Educational Technology Research Group. Editor of RIITE ("Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa") and Secretary of EDUTEC (Association for the Development of Educational Technology). Coordinator at the University of Murcia of the inter-university doctoral programme in Educational Technology. She is currently director of the European AROSE project (on digital tools for the development of oral competences in English in secondary education) and director of the EmDigital project. Researcher of the CREATIT project on digital tools to promote creativity in adults.

Isabel María Solano-Fernández, University of Murcia

Lecturer in Educational Technology in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation (Faculty of Education) at the University of Murcia. Member of the Educational Technology Research Group (GITE) as well as EDUTEC (International Association to promote the development of Educational Technology). She teaches subjects related to the curricular integration of technologies in Primary Education and Early Childhood Education degrees.


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How to Cite

González Calatayud, V., Prendes-Espinosa, M. P., & Solano-Fernández, I. M. (2022). Instrument for analysing digital entrepreneurship competence in higher education. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(1).



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