Assessment of the satisfaction of participants in training for employment


  • Mario de-Miguel Universidad de Oviedo
  • José Luis San Fabián Universidad de Oviedo
  • José Luis Belver Universidad de Oviedo
  • María-Cruz Argüelles Proyecto Canella



Training evaluation, assessment of satisfaction and job training evaluation


This article is a summary of the research developed toevaluate Satisfaction of Participants in the training activitiespromoted by the Plan Training for Employment(FPE) of the Principality of Asturias during the periodbetween 2002 and 2008. To carry out this research wehave performed an observational study based on surveysusing a methodological design that can be defined as preordained,selective and of repeated measures. Replicationof this design for over seven years and breadth of thesamples used are two clear strengths of the work to provideconsistency and credibility to the results obtained.Outcomes obtained can overall demonstrate a high levelof participants' satisfaction with training activities promotedby that plan, although clear differences are detectedaccording to different classification variables usedin the study (sex, age, professional group, specialty, etc.).The analysis of qualitative information collected allowsalso to have a set of very useful comments and suggestionswhen formulating proposals for improving the trainingactions implemented. The high similarity between thedata obtained in the seven assessments over the yearssupport the validity of the findings and recommendationswhich, in each case, are set for the improvement of theeducational program evaluated.


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How to Cite

de-Miguel, M., San Fabián, J. L., Belver, J. L., & Argüelles, M.-C. (2014). Assessment of the satisfaction of participants in training for employment. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 17(1).



Research Articles