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  • Antonio Muñoz-Amador Asociación Socioeducativa e Intercultural ASIEM de Albacete (España)
  • Lena de Botton-Fernández Universidad de Barcelona (España)
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2013), Articles, pages 5-22
Submitted: Jun 30, 2013 Published: Jun 30, 2013
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In a neighborhood of Albacete with strong indicators of exclusion, is currently undertaking a transformation in all social areas. Becoming in Europe as a reference model to overcome the ghetto. This process has been mainly due two key aspects which will deepen the article. First, the introduction of successful actions based on scientific evidences to overcome social inequality and the transformation of the ghetto. Second, the inclusion of all the voices in the design of policies that will be implemented, in order that the target groups take active part in the decision making process. In this process of reflection and decision which has brought together a wide range of people, highlights the role of social workers and the nodal point of an intense network of interactions that connects the real needs of the population with the resources and existing services. That will be done in an individual level as well as in a communitarian level through consensus.


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Muñoz-Amador, A., & de Botton-Fernández, L. (2013). SUCCESSFUL ACTIONS TO OVERCOME EXCLUSION THROUGH COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE GHETTO. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 3(4), 5–22.