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  • Carina Luis-González Universidad de La Laguna. Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Laura Aguilera-Ávila Universidad de La Laguna. Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Vol. 9 No. 16 (2019), Unversitas, pages 225-247
Submitted: Apr 29, 2019 Accepted: May 31, 2019 Published: Jun 26, 2019
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This study covers the multiple and intersectional discrimination suffered by gay older people. It aims is to give visibility to the first generations of homosexuals in Spain, who decided to fight for their rights at a time of extreme repression; the study also explores the consequences of their condition at that time and their current situation. The general objective is to know whether, in addition to the very likely discrimination suffered in their youth, they continue to suffer discrimination nowadays because of their sexual orientation, and whether age discrimination should be added. Qualitative research carried out through interviews with seven people with both inclusion criteria suggests that discrimination against homosexuals persists, but also that they suffer from discrimination because they are older,  and the second fact is probably the one that currently produces the most imbalances.


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Luis-González, C., & Aguilera-Ávila, L. (2019). Multiple discrimination: homosexuality and old age. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 9(16), 225–247.