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  • Rocío Alcalde-Corzo University of La Rioja
Vol. 8 (2018): Special issue, Unversitas, pages 235-253
Submitted: Nov 14, 2017 Accepted: May 24, 2018 Published: May 30, 2018
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Volunteerism is a complex phenomenon being present in various dimensions as occurs with Human Rights. Due to this, Spain reformed its law of volunteerism in 2015 thus including both dimensions, help and participation which would lead to social transformation, showing the need to approach the study from different theories and contexts. Therefore, we will reflect on the concept of volunteerism both as a right and a form of participation from an individual perspective on the one hand, and as a social resource guaranteeing proper help when human rights are violated, on the other. These two considerations will then be further evaluated and explained from two theoretical perspectives. Firstly, the utilitarian one related to social capital theories. Secondly, the one based on the anti-utilitarian point of view reinforcing the paradigm of giving. In this storyline, we will also introduce the significance of social work as promoter of social participation and the role of volunteerism as a catalyst for professional interventions.


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Alcalde-Corzo, R. (2018). Volunteering and Human Rights. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 8, 235–253.