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  • Laura Fernández-López Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
  • Cristina Maria Hidalgo-Cuesta Universidad de Málaga
Vol. 7 No. 13 (2017), Unversitas, pages 218-242
Submitted: Oct 17, 2017 Accepted: Dec 12, 2017 Published: Dec 20, 2017
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The current globalization system interconnects conflicts, problems and social policies in such a way that they do not only concern their countries of origin, but all the nations in the world. This paper is a bibliographic review with two main lines. The first one is focused on the root causes of the Syrian War and, as a consequence, the thousands of Syrian refugees it created. They were forced to flee from their country, and had to face several difficulties and overcome all kind of obstacles, which has been the source of many tragedies. The contribution of resilience as a social intervention approach with Syrian refugees from the point of view of Social Work is the second line of this paper. This social intervention approach is aimed at strengthening and empowering people against adversity in order to cope with trauma. This objective and the purpose of Social Work are one and the same: to guarantee and promote Human Rights all over the world.



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Fernández-López, L., & Hidalgo-Cuesta, C. M. (2017). Social intervention with syrian refugees from a resilient perspective through Social Work. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 7(13), 218–242.