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  • Rodrigo José Teixeira Universidade Federal Fluminense
Vol. 7 No. 13 (2017), Epistemes, pages 27-50
Submitted: Jul 18, 2017 Accepted: Oct 24, 2017 Published: Dec 20, 2017
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This article offers an analysis of the intrinsic relationship between the social question and Social Work. The analysis of the social question starts from the meticulous and rigorous reading of the labor theory of value and the Critique of Political Economy written by Karl Marx. It is from this analysis that we try to justify the genesis of the profession linked to the role of the state and the bourgeoisie in the consolidation of monopoly capitalism. It starts from the analysis of Social Work as a profession inserted in the social and technical division of labor that by its own action, in the contradictory movement of the capitalist reality, defends the interests of capital and labor. In addition, the article presents, in a succinct way, the trajectory of Social Work in Brazil and its ethical and political project in relation to the working class challenges to guarantee this direction in times of dismantling social policies and financial capitalism.



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Teixeira, R. J. (2017). Social question and social work: contemporary challenges facing the profession in Brazil. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 7(13), 27–50.