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  • José María Sánchez-Alcón Generalitat Valenciana
  • Jerónimo Barranco-Navarro Universidad de Granada
  • Inmaculada Sancho-Frías Universidad de Granada
  • Rocío Tello-Alcaide IES Fray Luis de Granada
Vol. 12 (2022), Praxis, pages 33-66
Submitted: Oct 9, 2021 Accepted: Dec 19, 2022 Published: Dec 23, 2022
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This article presents the first validated study of capacities (understood as "philosophical potentials") of people with intellectual (dys)ability or intellectual functional diversity. The research carried out aims to assess three specific philosophical potentials: firstly, thinking potentials understood as processes of critical empowerment and not only as cognitive skills, in these potentials, the importance of people's philosophical questions is an indispensable element; secondly, creative potentials understood as processes of divergent or lateral reasoning in which alternative solutions to real or imaginary problems are sought; and thirdly, moral potentials understood as decision-making processes that take into account the ethical and emotional dimension of any person as part of a moral and political community. This questionnaire uses the methodology called "Free Thinking Approach" in contexts of cognitive disadvantage, a methodology that is inspired by the "Lipman methodology" and other methodologies from the field of emotional education and values education. The conclusion we have reached is that the validation of this questionnaire confirms the importance of the "philosophical dialogue" in the processes of empowerment of people with cognitive disadvantages [...] 


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Sánchez-Alcón, J. M., Barranco-Navarro, J., Sancho-Frías, I., & Tello-Alcaide, R. (2022). Design and validation of the questionnaire for the inclusive assessment of the "philosophical potentials" of people with intellectual (dis)abilities based on the "Free Thinking Approach". Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 12, 33–66.