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  • Carlos Vecina-Merchante Universidad de las Islas Baleares (España)
Vol. 3 No. 5 (2013), Articles, pages 54-75
Submitted: Dec 24, 2013 Published: Dec 24, 2013
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Last years there have taken place demographic important changes in Spain, the increase in the entryof immigrant population has propitiated a more diverse social daily reality. The accession has beenconcrete ways, in which special relevancy has had the residential segregation and the concentrationof immigrant population in concrete places, being of special interest those who traditionally weresuffering social problems and major vulnerability. The result has been an unequal integration andproblems derived towards the lack of conviviality. Close to this process others require that they shouldpromote the social integration in all his extension; not only in concrete aspects, but they stop his lookin the community action, as a way to improve the conviviality and to worik together at the search ofsocial welfare. This work presents a theoretical frame that justifies this type of interventions and thedescription of some experiences of community development, in which the civil participation appears asan indispensable axis for the success of a project of all and for all.


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Vecina-Merchante, C. (2013). COMMUNITY ACTION, A PATH FOR SOCIAL INTEGRATION AND INTERCULTURALITY. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 3(5), 54–75.