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  • Norma Montesino Universidad de Lund -Suecia-
  • Erica Righard Universidad de Malmö -Suecia-
  • Eva Wikström Universidad de Umeå -Suecia-
Vol. 3 No. 5 (2013), Articles, pages 76-91
Submitted: Dec 24, 2013 Published: Dec 26, 2013
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In recently initiated research project we analize the contents of educational programs for socialworkers in Sweden with regards to ethnical issues. This field of knowledge has varied over timeaccording to the dominant traditions in Social Work Education. The specific aim of our study is todescribe the different ways in which ethnic relations have been conceptualized in the contents of thedifferent parts of these Social Work curriculums. We argue that the issue of ethnic relations shouldplay a central role in the academic training of social workers in Sweden. We also want to participate inthe international dialogue initiated by this journal, a dialogue that have underlined to the need to adaptthe contents of Social Work to the demands of a global society.


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Montesino, N., Righard, E., & Wikström, E. (2013). ETHNIC RELATIONS AND ACADEMIC CURRICULUM IN THE FORMATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS IN SWEDEN: A RESEARCH PROJECT. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 3(5), 76–91.