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  • María Virginia Matulic-Domandzic Universidad de Barcelona (España)
Vol. 3 No. 5 (2013), Articles, pages 3-27
Submitted: Dec 23, 2013 Published: Dec 24, 2013
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Processes of social exclusion of the homeless people in the city of Barcelona are addressed in thisarticle through three sections. First, an approximation to the processes of social exclusion present inEuropean societies is done, then look focuses on the conceptual dimension of homeless people andits root causes, to end with some conclusions on where the issues raised are synthesized as well asthe future challenges that are presented in this phenomenon. This article is part of the research workbeing done on the processes of social inclusion of homeless people in Barcelona. This research islinked to the Doctorate "Education and Society" at the University of Barcelona through the Departmentof Social Work and Social Services. The growing phenomenon of homelessness responds to macroprocessesthat have characterized the post-Fordist societies in recent decades where the fragility ofsupport networks and systems of social protection are crucial.


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Matulic-Domandzic, M. V. (2013). PROCESSES OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION OF HOMELESSNESS IN THE CITY OF BARCELONA. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 3(5), 3–27.