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  • Bárbara Contreras-Montero Universidad de Granada
Vol. 10 No. 19 (2020), Epistemes, pages 3-24
Submitted: Feb 7, 2020 Accepted: Nov 10, 2020 Published: Dec 21, 2020
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This text reviews the contributions of the social sciences about the concept of exclusion from its origins to its contemporary use, paying special attention to its main paradigms: the solidarity paradigm, the specialization paradigm and the monopoly paradigm. To define social exclusion as we know it today, first of all, it is necessary to point out what its main characteristics are and analyze the phenomenon as a process. From this analysis, we launched a theoretical proposal about the possible trajectories of social exclusion that start from different origins or vital moments. The social exclusion-inclusion curve ranges from full integration scenarios to the most extreme exclusion. Next, we examine the effects of the economic crisis of 2008 and the types of social exclusion in current Spanish society, briefly pointing out the beginnings of what has been predicted as a new crisis: the Covid19 pandemic. It concludes by showing the paradigm shift regarding the understanding of social exclusion in the last years of the democratic era in Spain.


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Contreras-Montero, B. (2020). Reviewing the concept of socia exclusion and its application to spanish society after the global economic crirsis. A vision of process. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 10(19), 3–24.