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  • Ana Urbiola Universidad de Almería
  • María Dolores Serrano Universidad de Jaén
Vol. 10 No. 18 (2020), Epistemes, pages 141-163
Submitted: Nov 13, 2019 Accepted: Feb 1, 2020 Published: Jun 30, 2020
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Islamophobia is one of the current socio-political protagonist in Europe, hindering the integration of migrants and Muslims. The objective of this research is to analyze whether the prejudiced social representations (tropes) and the attribution of collective guilt to Muslims predict the support for anti-Islamist political measures and collective action for refugee access and resettlement in Europe. Participants responded to surveys on acculturation preferences, tropes, collective guilt, emotions towards the outgroup, social distance, support for restrictive political measures and pro-refugee collective action. Results confirm the role of tropes and the attribution of collective guilt in predicting and understanding political behavior towards Muslims and behavioral tendencies in relation to refugees.


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Urbiola, A., & Serrano, M. D. (2020). Do attitudes toward muslims influence the maintenance of inequality and the behavior in social and immigration policy?. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 10(18), 141–163.