Aged-based discrimination from the perspective of human rights or the child: a pending issue in the education of social workers?
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Social Work professionals must recognize children as subjects of rights, incorporating them, from a human rights approach, to their main lines of work. In the research carried out, we focused on the perception on discrimination against children of the students from the degree of Social Work of the University of Huelva. In this study, we have based on the four types of age-based discrimination proposed by Manfred Liebel (for unwanted behavior; for protection; for restricting access to services and also intergenerational discrimination) in order to know to what extent the Social Work students recognize different manifestations of discrimination against children and the general knowledge of these of the rights of the child population. The results show a low awareness of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as well as a low sensitivity towards some of the forms of discrimination against the child population, data that tend to improve significantly in the third year and which advise improving the quantity and quality of compulsory training in the field of child rights in the university training of social workers.