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  • Tania Castellano San Jacinto Universidad de La Laguna
Vol. 6 (2020), Panorama, pages 75-84
Submitted: Jan 1, 2020 Accepted: Mar 16, 2020 Published: Jul 20, 2020
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In the period between the 90’s and the first decade of the 2000s, some reedition works outstand by virtue of their potential in handling existing materials, most of them cinematographic. In this found footage practice, whereas original works underscore an obvious presence of the body and a linear structure for the narrative, new works of reedition are in charge of splitting and putting together these aspects. The image of the body then transforms into an image-body, manipulated at will by plain means, belonging to the most essential film. The objective of this article is to analyse different approaches to reedition, understanding them as ways both of puzzling out and of reconsidering the 20th century culture and society. Since the year 2000, this kind of practices which extended to non-professional fields will result in the expa sion of the figure of the artist to the figure of the spectator-productor.


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Castellano San Jacinto, T. (2020) “Bodies of Reedition. 20Th Century Revisions in the Turn of the Millenium”, SOBRE, 6, pp. 75–84. doi: 10.30827/sobre.v6i0.11779.