The Tendency Towards Domestication in the Chinese Translation of the Story The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate, by Jorge Luis Borges


  • Jinyu Zhu Universidad de Estudios Internacionales de Sichuan



domestication, Spanish-Chinese literary translation, Jorge Luis Borges, The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate


In this article we will analyze the Chinese translation of Jorge Luis Borges’s short story «The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate», focusing on the existing domesticating tendency in the target text. We will carry out an analysis of the source of the story, the presence of the conflict of cultural interference and the back-translation problems. Using a number of examples, we will analyze the solutions proposed by the translator, the reasons for the selection of the translation method, variations with respect to the original text and translation errors. We conclude that the translator has intensified the color of the target culture and, in a certain way, modified the aesthetic value of the original text.


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Author Biography

Jinyu Zhu, Universidad de Estudios Internacionales de Sichuan

Lectora, Departamento de Lengua Española


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How to Cite

Zhu, J. (2019). The Tendency Towards Domestication in the Chinese Translation of the Story The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate, by Jorge Luis Borges. Sendebar, 30, 101–120.



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