Analysis of the Translation into Spanish of Relation d’un voyage à Bruxelles et à Coblentz


  • José María Castellano Martínez Universidad de Córdoba



History of Translation, History of France, Translation Studies, Louis XVIII, Baron of Ortaffa


This paper aims to study the translation into Spanish of the Relation d’un voyage à Bruxelles et à Coblentz, a travel diary of the future Louis XVIII of France. In this text, the King details his escape itinerary to the Germanic territories during the post-revolution disturbances. After the introduction to the historical frame of this period, the work has been organised into two different parts: firstly, the analysis of the original text, its context and the reason of its publication; secondly, the analysis of the translation into Spanish by the baron of Ortaffa, his figure and context, as well as the main characteristics of the document. In this second part, the excerpts that present divergences between the ST and the TT are compared according to three categories of variation: meaning, syntagmatic and errata.


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Author Biography

José María Castellano Martínez, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesor Ayudante Doctor

Área de Traducción e Interpretación

Coordinador del Itinerario conjunto del grado en Traducción e Interpretación y Estudios Ingleses


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How to Cite

Castellano Martínez, J. M. (2019). Analysis of the Translation into Spanish of Relation d’un voyage à Bruxelles et à Coblentz. Sendebar, 30, 83–99.



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