Reading in the second translation to the Spanish of Dove Collar of Ibn Hazm
2nd translation Tawq Al-Hamama, Ibn Hazm, contrast - source text - meta text, translator’s footnotes, - lexico-semantic planeAbstract
This piece of research aims to study the translation of the book Dove Collar written by Ibn Hazm of Andalusia. The analysis is carried out throughout the procedures undertaken by the translator. It seeks to identify the decisions taken regarding the multiple possible meanings of the source text and the other available alternatives to express these meanings and their impact on the entire translation process. In the first section, we study the multiplicity of translations of the same text based on the current work. In the second section analyzes the footnotes inserted in the translated text insofar as they represent a paratextual space from which one can explore the personality of the translator and test his objectivity and impartiality in the translation process. In the last section, we analyze the lexico-semantic content of the translation and the actions and decisions taken by the translator in their work methodology through a comparison and contrast between the source and the target text.
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