Dubbing and literary translation into Italian of El capitán Alatriste: diachronic variation


  • Pablo Zamora Muñoz Universidad de Murcia




El capitán Alatriste, diachronic marks, translation, dubbing


Diachronic marks can mean an obstacle for the reader or the spectator to understand the source or the target text due to the linguistic and cultural chronological distance. When translators have to translate texts which are distant in space and time, they face the dilemma of how to translate the source text: modern or old-fashioned way? This article firstly compares the number of existing temporal marks between the novel El capitán Alatriste and its film adaptation. Secondly the translation patterns used to transfer both source texts into Italian are analysed. The objective of this study is to confirm, on the one hand, if the occurrence of diachronic marks is higher in the source literary work than in the original film, and, on the other hand, if the target texts are less old-fashioned than the source products and which of the target versions tends more to linguistic standarisation. In addition, this paper aims to draw the possible causes and factors which have conditioned the writing of both the literary work and the script, as well as the translation of the novel and the dubbing of the film.


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Author Biography

Pablo Zamora Muñoz, Universidad de Murcia

Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación

Profesor Titular de Universidad


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How to Cite

Zamora Muñoz, P. (2018). Dubbing and literary translation into Italian of El capitán Alatriste: diachronic variation. Sendebar, 29, 59–79. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v29i0.5801



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