Approach to the Translation of Ancient Chinese War Terms: Weapons in Romance of the Three Kingdoms




war terms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Chinese-Spanish translation, glossary


The numerous wars in ancient China often led to cultural developments as well as to new war elements: weapons, military attire, and combat facilities and stratagems, among others. This work aims to study how to translate war terms of ancient China by particularly focusing on a selection of arms in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This article, by drawing on specialized corpus and quantitative analysis, thus explores ways to translate the arms most frequently used in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The analysis is based on Newmark’s theory of semantic translation and communicative translation (2001a, 2001b) to present a Chinese-Spanish glossary useful for scholars interested in translating classical Chinese works into Spanish.


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How to Cite

Sun. (2023). Approach to the Translation of Ancient Chinese War Terms: Weapons in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Sendebar, 34, 258–276.



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