Vol. 22 No. 2 (2009)

Published: 2016-05-10

Table of contents

Cognitive process implicated deaf reading

  • Valeria Herrera Fernández
Published: May 10, 2009
Pages 11-27

Self-regulated learning and conceptions of students in Cooperative Learning

  • Calixto Gutiérrez Braojos
  • Purificación Salmerón Vílchez
  • Marta Muñoz de Escalona Fernández
Published: May 11, 2009
Pages 73-82

The profile of the imprisoned minors in detention centres for offenders and the professionals who treat them: a descriptive study in the Tierras de Oria institution

  • Tomás Sola Martínez
  • Juan Miguel Fernández Campoy
  • Francisco Raso Sánchez
Published: May 11, 2009
Pages 83-100

Study on the education process learning in the spanish popular universities. A vision from the own ones implied

  • Juan Antonio López Núñez
  • M. Enrique Lorenzo Martín
  • Juan Manuel Trujillo Torres
Published: May 11, 2009
Pages 121-142

Integration of accidente prevention in different levels of education system

  • Antonio Burgos García
  • Clemente Rodríguez Sabiote
Published: May 11, 2009
Pages 169-192