Renovation of the progressive link with the posterity across the social construction of the communities of digital learning. An agenda for educators


  • Robert O. McClintock Institute for Learning Technologies. Teachers College, Columbia University

Palabras clave:

Technologies of the information and the communication, community of learning, community of digital learning, didactic means, reconstruction of the school system, new educationa l professionalism, transformation


The educational institutions constitute the principal factors in the social construction of a new educational system. The schools and the educators control and produce intellectual property of an extraordinary depth and extent. The changes produced by the digital technologies are achieving that the access and the production of knowledge is more accessible and universal. What is, simultaneously, a great achievement of opening curricular, but also a serious danger of losing the "eminently "educational" perspective of the transmission of the knowledge in the school. The new resources allow to the educators to break the cycle of reproduction in the educational achievements, to approach the way and the family and to transform the school. The teachers and the schools must assume the challenge of constituting communities of learning. As well as of daring to produce and spreading this knowledge with digital support. The opposite would be a terrible abdication. The article plans a historical tour on this function of the school and his adjustment to the means and resources of every epoch. After which, she pleads for assuming the current challenge of the TICs, to renew the progressive link with the posterity and to construct a better future. The educational centers must be extended to constitute with his context a new community of learning, in which the TIC there has much that to say.


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Cómo citar

McClintock, R. O. (2007). Renovation of the progressive link with the posterity across the social construction of the communities of digital learning. An agenda for educators. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 11(1), 61. Recuperado a partir de