Hacia Una Pedagogía de la Cotidianidad en la Educación Inicial
The present investigation is oriented to the formulation of a pedagogy of daily life in initial education, based on the experiences of children, acquired through coexistence and dialogue with the world. The method was interpretive hermeneutics based on information stored in videos and extracted from interviews with the actors of the Simoncito "Rafael Paituví" Child Care Center located in Caracas. After the categorization and based on the findings, it was possible to conclude: i) There is no objective factuality derived from the oriented curriculum to the development of infants, it does not transcend the curriculum taking into account their daily lives ii) An ideology is present, in the collective sense, in which representations and values are consecrated to established rituals and not to the transformation of being iii) A pedagogical praxis far from coexistence and the dialogue of knowledge is observed. The formulated proposal guides the execution of learning, seen as a daily adventure where predominates the affectivity, alterity, and dialogue, which also acts as a promoter of coexistence and communicative interaction mediated by learning and collective participation, this proposal contrasts theoretically the concept of everyday pedagogy and is composed of three dimensions: relational, affective, and pedagogic.
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