Non-universitary teachers autonomy: the right to the academic freedom
Academic freedom, Neutrality, Non-universitary teachers, Professional ethics, Rights and duties, Teaching freedomAbstract
We have been witnessing, in recent years, profound changes in the Spanish educational system, that not only affect the funding, the governance and management of the centers and the structure of the different teaching, but also, in a very special way, the teaching staff. Within the teaching function, guaranteed by the Spanish Constitution, the right to academic freedom is recognized, although this is limited within the margins established in the legal regulations. Despite this, due to some ambiguity in some aspects, it lends itself to various interpretations or misinterpretations. This article aims to reflect on the freedom of professors of non - university teachers, to delimit the scope and meaning of their meaning and to analyze their limitations. The methodology that we are going to follow throughout the article is the exhibition and the analysis of real practical cases, as well as of the solutions that of them have given the pertinent estates and institutions. Among the obtained results they emphasize: the little specific regulation on the subject; A certain controversy or lack of clarification about its meaning; And the confusion between academic freedom and teaching freedom.Downloads
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