The Mediating Role of Curriculum Engagement ICT in the Relationship between Attitude Toward Curriculum and Academic Achievement
DOI: clave:
attitude toward curriculum, academic achievement, curriculum engagement, ICTResumen
The study aims to investigate the mediating role of curriculum engagement ICT in the relationship between attitude toward curriculum (ATC) and academic achievement. The study conducted surveys with 169 students from four universities in Indonesia. The participants provided information about their ATC, curriculum engagement ICT, and academic achievement. The data was analyzed using statistical techniques such as Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that there was a positive correlation between ATC and curriculum engagement ICT, as well as between curriculum engagement ICT and academic achievement. The mediating role of curriculum engagement ICT in the relationship between ATC and academic achievement was supported by the data. The findings of this study have important implications for educators, policymakers, and curriculum designers. By understanding the interplay between ATC, curriculum engagement ICT, and academic achievement, stakeholders can design effective and engaging learning environments that optimize students' learning experiences and outcomes.
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