Music Teacher Education in Southern Europe: Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Portugal


  • Juan José Carmona Fernández CEIP Virgen de la Cabeza. Churriana de la Vega (Granada)
  • Melania Jurado Fernández CEIP San Miguel. Orcoyen (Navarra)

Palabras clave:

music education, programme analysis, teacher education


This paper reports and reflects about the music teacher education programmes in countries from Southern Europe: Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Portugal. The method of analysis employed was the same to
all countries enquired by the ALFA Project mentioned in the editorial of this monograph. In Cyprus, we discuss three universities with music programmes. In Greece, we distinguish four types of teachers
depending on the level of education in imparting teaching (Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary). Thirdly, we discuss the peculiarities of the Universi ty of Malta. Fourhtly, we analyze programmes from Portugal where we have a larger number of universities. And, finally, we will discuss about the programmes analyzed and their implication for the field of music teacher education





Cómo citar

Carmona Fernández, J. J., & Jurado Fernández, M. (2010). Music Teacher Education in Southern Europe: Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Portugal. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 14(2), 57–65. Recuperado a partir de