The ICT coordinator in the schools: Analysis of his/her role in the innovation process


  • Víctor Hernández Rivero University of La Laguna
  • Fátima Castro León University of La Laguna
  • Ana Vega Navarro University of La Laguna

Palabras clave:

Technologies of the information and the communication, ICT coordinator, educational innovation, educational change, educational investigation, school organization, educational practice


This article analyzes the important role of information and communications of technologies (ICT) coordinators in primary schools. Integrating information communications technologies in schools is in itself an innovation process developed during recent years in almost all school systems. But it is
also one of the main research problems in the fi eld of education. Different studies has shown that among the factors affecting the innovation process of introducing ICT stand out the role played by project coordinators for ICT integration in schools. The aim of the study is to know the specific
features of that role. The research design used is the one known as multi-case design. During two years, three primary schools were studied with the help of qualitative research techniques as interviews, document analysis and observation. The main results of the study highlight the relevance of the following factors: the access to ICT coordination post, coordination functions and
activities developed, the main problems faced in the enactment of coordination role and the way ICT coordinators value their work. The conclusions point out to the leadership and support roles ICT coordinators play in the process of planning, implementing and improving innovative educational practices with ICT in teaching in schools.


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Cómo citar

Hernández Rivero, V., Castro León, F., & Vega Navarro, A. (2011). The ICT coordinator in the schools: Analysis of his/her role in the innovation process. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 15(1), 323–335. Recuperado a partir de