Characterization of the dysfunctions associated with curricular reform of higher education in Spain. The case of the School of Education at the University of Granada
Palabras clave:
New curricula, The Higher Education Reform, Multidimensional Scaling.Resumen
The reform of the higher education implemented in Spain during this last decade through the implantation of new curricula has generated, in addition to unquestionable benefits, a set of weakness of singular nature. Indeed, the current empirical study has shown, by means of the qualifying power of Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), the presence of misalignments of character, fundamentally, structural of greater gravity than the misalignments related to the educative dimension. This finding reinforces the hypothesis that the reform of higher education in Spain has consisted, in essence, in the structural reformulation of the degrees (hour, administrative managements, creation of new subjets from the fragmentation of others...) and barely in the new implantation of curricula.Descargas
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Cómo citar
Rodríguez Sabiote, C., Gámez Durán, R. del P., & Álvarez Rodríguez, J. (2006). Characterization of the dysfunctions associated with curricular reform of higher education in Spain. The case of the School of Education at the University of Granada. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 10(2), 13. Recuperado a partir de