The logics of reformist change in the democratic school based on the teacher’s discourse
Palabras clave:
Social inclusion and exclusion, educational actors, governance, educational system, democratization and participation, narratives, critical discourseResumen
The recent changes, which are being produced in the European educational systems, have had an impact in the capacity of education to fight against exclusion and to promote social integration. Therefore, our paper, which is part of a wider research project, analyses the educational actors’ responses to the changes that have been introduced by a really profound educational reform such as the LOGSE. The differences and similarities in these actors’ answers in to order improve the understanding of the limits and possibilities of the educational policy is clearly manifested. Lastly, the ways in which an educational system is governed in a society have an impact in social integration and exclusion, either inside or outside education.Descargas
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Cómo citar
Luzón Trujillo, A., & Torres Sánchez, M. (2006). The logics of reformist change in the democratic school based on the teacher’s discourse. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 10(2), 16. Recuperado a partir de